It's Who We Are That Makes Us Unique
The company was founded in love and passion to help children and will remain true to these principles as it brings language and reading to children across the globe.
The company was founded in love and passion to help children and will remain true to these principles as it brings language and reading to children across the globe.
We started using Gemiini about a month ago now, and I have to say that my whole family loves it. You might remember from my first Gemiini Blog that, when we initially signed up, I was pretty overwhelmed by the size of the program and was relieved to start with a few Quick Start Language and Quick Start Reading videos while I attempted to figure it out. One of the wonderful bonuses that you receive when you sign up for GemIIni is a phone call from a customer service representative... Link to blog: Getting in the Gemiini Groove
This is my monthly post on Jacob's speech progression using Gemiini. We started a few months back and he's progressed from using signs and a series of grunts to babbling with consonants, and even trying to use words. This last week he pointed to an object and said "there!" (which sounded more like 'dehyr', but whose complaining?), and last night he was doing the da-da-da thing. What a leap from absolute silence. 4 1/2 YEARS we've been trying to get Jacob so say SOMETHING, and now it's happening. Is it bad to say there are days I want to shed tears of joy at this development.....Link to Blog:
Imagine what hearing your son say "hi" feels like for a parent of an non-verbal, autistic child.
What do you do when you find out that your twin toddlers aren’t speaking because they have autism, plus you have a 4-day-old baby and two older kids whom you are homeschooling?
Starting out with GemIIni
Speech, language and communication are huge concerns for most autism parents. They have surely been enormous concerns of mine. I vividly remember the sense of sheer desperation when Danniah (pronounced Dah-nn-ya) was 18 months old ....Link to blog: GemIIni Series: Part 1– Getting on the GemIIni Wagon