A Powerful, Efficient, Evidence-based Resource for Schools with Limited Budgets
By blending Gemiini into traditional teaching and therapy methods, Gemiini elevates instruction, boosts effectiveness, and delivers unlimited access to therapy anytime and anywhere. Gemiini creates more therapeutic learning time for students.
Gemiini is a 100% web-based, clinically proven program that gives teachers and therapists the power of evidence-based video modeling sessions for children with special needs through its vast library of 150,000+ premade educational videos.
With content in language, social skills, life skills, reading, and more, blending Gemiini into traditional teaching and therapy methods elevates instruction and boosts the efficacy of pragmatic generalizations. Gemiini makes integrating effective therapy possible and delivers unlimited access to therapy anytime and anywhere.
Successful Special Education At Home
A School SLP's Gemiini journey
Paula Perretz SLP, Connections Education Center of the Palm Beaches
"I am a Speech and Language Pathologist who has been fortunate enough to have had experience using the Gemiini program. I began using it with my students with Autism Spectrum Disorder almost 3 years ago. Most were nonverbal and displayed significant behaviors. While using the program I immediately noticed better attention and increased vocalization.
"Since that time, I started working at another Charter School for students with ASD. When the COVID-19 school shutdown occurred, we were forced to figure out and learn how to best educate and service our students remotely. I immediately thought of Gemiini and discussed it with the director. I contacted Gemiini and explained our predicament and my goal to facilitate therapy using Gemiini as a tool. It was THE BEST decision I ever made.
"To be able to connect to my parents and students through this distance learning platform was amazing! Not only were the parents excited, but it turned out the therapists on my team were, too. The training for the team was all online and seamless. Onboarding students was effortless. It was easy to select the videos and assignments and align them with the student’s IEP goals. Training, collaborating with, and supporting the parents was easy to do remotely and made all the difference in the world. All students were given this opportunity- but only the ones who consistently engaged and participated made the progress.
"So easy for everyone—just click "play" and run the videos assigned. Whether the child watched intently, or just listened to it while it played, progress was made. Data was easily gotten when the parents tested at the end of each video. I could monitor progress daily. I would then add or modify the assignments based on progress.
"The feedback I continue to get from the families is ALL POSITIVE. Live, 1:1, or group instruction via distance learning proved everything I was hearing—nonverbal students were now verbal thanks to Gemiini in the home.
"Some making sounds, some making words, and some making SENTENCES! Decreases in echolalia. Increases in abilities to answer questions. All were participating, attending, and having fun. The parents have never been happier. They claim without Gemiini their children would not have progressed at the rate they did.
"I have continued to use it for distance learning and look forward to [continue] using it remotely, in-person, or a hybrid approach. It is too easy NOT to use, and the results are undeniable.
Gemiini has never ceased to amaze me. Thank you, Gemiini!"
What Other Professionals Are Saying About Gemiini
From Dr. Maria Gilmour BCBA-D, Portland State University:
"Today I started Gemiini as a group in a class with 10 kids with autism. During the VERY FIRST video, one of the kids who has never said a word before in his life said "bear!" And he did the sign! I ran up to him and said "yes buddy! That's a bear!" He looked at me with the biggest smile ever and said again "bear!" Then, for the first time ever, he went up to a peer and gave a high 5. The teacher was stunned. I was in the class consulting for a few hours and our star student said "bear" 29 more times! I left the class before the second viewing but tomorrow morning I will return and I just can't wait to see the progress! This was IMMEDIATE acquisition upon viewing Gemiini. Even after two years of using Gemiini, these successes still bring me tears of joy!"
From Jayme Cutting SLP, Clark County school district in Las Vegas:
"Hi, I am a speech therapist in Clark County school district in Las Vegas. I paid for a Gemiini account out of my own pocket for a sweet 4-year-old student I service. He had been receiving 2 hours of ABA tx before school!! (5am-7am!!!) then he goes to an autism preschool program in the district where I provide 240 min of speech therapy a week! And he was making little to no progress! I was literally crying myself to sleep over this little guy. I stumbled upon Gemiini on FB and said, "what have I got to lose except $100?" So it's been 2 weeks and he is spontaneously pointing, imitating the animal actions, and even some animal sounds! I'm beyond excited! I want this for every student! Our district needs this! Our kids need this! Thank you for this program! Thank you!"
Gemiini can be used for distance learning, individual instruction, or in groups. Teachers who use Gemiini say that it is the most effective way they have seen to increase language gains and spark social skills. Teachers and therapists can assign custom videos that align with an individual’s IEP goals, and that parents can access at home - simply click and play!
"My students wouldn't have gotten to where they are today without Gemiini. The program has honestly changed the trajectory of their lives."
– Michelle Krolczyk M.Ed., Derry Township S.D.
"Gemiini has made major improvements when it comes to language for my children because they didn't have language [before Gemiini].”
— Ashleigh Johnson, Special Education Teacher in Birmingham, Alabama
"Before using Gemiini, when working with some students, they were not able to look at my face in direct one-on-one therapy. But after the program they seem to be more comfortable and willing to sit one-on-one, to focus on the face, to be able to work directly with me."
— Jennifer Maron, Speech-Language Pathologist
Gemiini is Powerful, Efficient, and Evidence-based
The science of video modeling is beyond question. It has been determined to be "Established Science" by the National Autism Standards Board, and both ASHA and APBA recommend the use of video modeling for therapy - http://find.asha.org/asha#q=video%20modeling
Research on Gemiini specifically has been published by professors from four universities, including the former Director of Clinical Psychology for Princeton. Gemiini is evidence-based and uncommonly effective for all ages and ability levels.