Gemiini is a play-based learning system to teach new information and train (or retrain) the brain how to think that fits easily within modern lifestyles.
Gemiini's learning system, called Discrete Video Modeling, breaks down information into easily understandable and digestible bites with online video assignments and teaching tools. Learning through a format that gives focus to one concept at a time makes Gemiini an ideal solution for teaching speech, language, reading, social, and life skills to learners with and without disabilities.
Gemiini Teaches Speech, Language, Reading, Social Skills and Life Skills
Speech, Reading, Language, Life, and Behavior Skills
Research shows early interventions for autism increase major long-term positive effects on symptoms and later skills. Gemiini’s evidence-based therapy can be used anytime and anywhere to teach learners with autism the skills we use in our daily interactions.
Let us help you take learning on the autism spectrum to a whole new level!
People with Down syndrome often have the desire to communicate, but their comprehension and articulation can be delayed or limited to a few words or short phrases. Gemiini’s on-demand therapy focuses on increasing the vocabulary, articulation, and language skills necessary to unlock the door to speech for learners with Down syndrome.
Learn how Gemiini can help learners with Down syndrome.
As with other skills and milestones, the age at which kids learn language and start talking can vary. Using Gemiini for early intervention can increase language, cognitive, social, emotional, and motor skill development.
See how we're making a difference for those with speech and language delays.
Gemiini is proven for any learner with or without disabilities
Gemiini allows clinicians to create fully customized video modeling sessions from its online library of over 150,000 therapeutic video clips. The use of Gemiini creates more therapeutic time for your clients.
Find out how we can help accelerate your clients’ learning.
We understand that special education resources are finite, with limited funds to allocate to teachers and the families that your school district serves. The use of Gemiini in the classroom can create more therapeutic time for students.
Learn how we can help accelerate your students’ learning.
Gemiini offers a proven solution for parents to help teach their child to communicate or read.
Therapists & Clinicians
Integrate Gemiini alongside current therapy and allow clients to continue therapy at home.
Gemiini is clinically-proven to help students learn in both individual and group settings.
A comprehensive guide for different ways to view Gemiini assignments.
There are many different ways to view a learner's assignments in addition to the web browser on your computer. This can help fit Gemiini into current behavior patterns and habits and replace existing screen time with higher-quality material that can improve a learner's ability to model the fundamentals of speech and language. With Gemiini Mobile for
Android, iOS, and Kindle, you can stream video assignments on-the-go, or download
them directly to your mobile device to offer playback even when you
don't have a connection to the internet. Gemiini's Roku channel also offers a convenient way to stream Gemiini assignments on your own
Unlike other video solutions, Gemiini is a very powerful tool with a huge library of content. This makes it easy to create a customized strategy for your Gemiini assignments that will suit each individual's unique needs. And to make sure the learning never has to stop, our on-staff videographers and editors are always hard at work to make new videos available to you daily. Plus, with the ability to create and upload your own video clips, the learning possibilities are endless!
See the "How To Use Gemiini" playlist on our YouTube channel for video guides to help you in using Gemiini.
Gemiini's Discrete Video Modeling offers On-demand Learning
Discrete Video Modeling is an evidence-based and powerful teaching tool that delivers information in an easy and effective format by breaking down language, reading, and social concepts into individual and understandable bites to help learners grow.
Learn more about how Gemiini’s Discrete Video Modeling.
QuickStart Videos
A pre-built and proven collection of videos and quizzes ready to add to assignments to help you get started with your child or student.
Custom Video Builder
The power of teaching is in your hands with our video builder! This tool is perfect for therapists, teachers, and parents alike.
Gemiini Tools
Continue the journey with our Expressive Speech Tool for professionals, Sequential Processing quizzes, Eye Tracking Exercises, and video assignment tools.
Any Device, Online & Off
Your Gemiini account on all of your devices! Download the Gemiini Mobile app to take the learning on the go. Available for Android, Apple iOS, and Kindle.
Multiple Languages
Gemiini is currently available in English, French, Chinese (Mandarin), and Spanish. And we are always expanding our content base!
With Gemiini's online assessment tool it's easy to identify your child or student's growth, especially when you are supported by our Gemiini Coaches.