Weekly Content Update | Vowels Sing Along & Dressing for the Weather
This Week at Gemiini
This week our team has uploaded a sing-along clip that teaches the names and sounds of vowels and new animations to help your child choose clothing appropriate for different types of weather. We've also added a batch of spelling test clips for first grade words and a set of image words for common animals.
Vowels Sing-Along
The new Vowels Sing-Along makes learning vowels with Gemiini fun. Recognizing vowels and knowing what sounds they can make is an important milestone in learning to read. Children who can read vowels are able to begin combining them with consonants to sound out words.

In the first part of our Vowels Sing-Along, the vowels flash in a sequence on the screen as a voice over says their names. This is followed by a sing-along in which one of our adult actors generalizes the name, the long sound, and the short sound of each vowel in a simple and entertaining song.
Our vowels sing-along clips are great for early readers at any level of the language pyramid. You can find these clips in Reading, Writing, & Academic → First School Years → Alphabet as well as Reading, Writing, & Academic → First School Years → Songs.
Dressing for the Weather
A few months ago we added dozens of clips to the library to help members practice life skills like personal hygiene, preparing snacks, and doing chores. We want to make it easy for members to promote independence and self confidence in their students. This week we're excited to add our How to Dress for the Weather animations to the Gemiini life skills library.

These clips combine animated weather scenes (like the one above) with a visual of an assorted collection of clothing items that would be appropriate for the type of weather shown. Having your child check the forecast and watch the corresponding weather clip before choosing his or her outfit for the day can be a fun way to integrate Gemiini into your morning routine.
Our How to Dress for the Weather clips are appropriate for learners at any developmental stage. These clips are located in Skills → Life Skills → Independent Living. The animations are also available as simple visual generalizations for different types of weather in Reading, Writing, & Academic → Time/Calendar/Weather → Sky/Weather.
Spelling & Animal Image Words
Last week we shared the first batch of Spelling Bee and Spelling Test clips. This week we've expanded the spelling library with a group of Spelling Test clips targeting first grade words. These can be found in Reading, Writing, & Academic → Spelling → Written Spelling Tests.

We've also brought image words for common animals like lemur, possum, kitten, and koala bear to Spoken Language → People, Places, Things → Animals → Common Animals. If your child likes animals, adding generalizations like these to his or her assignments can be a great way to make Gemiini viewing sessions more engaging.
For help using life skills clips, the Vowels Sing-Along, or any clips from the Gemiini library in your student's assignments, schedule a call with one of our product specialists. If you're having technical trouble or need help getting started, check out the articles in our Knowledge Base. If you're looking for clips that don't exist on the site, please send a content request to videos@gemiini.org.