"We began Gemini about 21 months ago. Two children, both ASD. I found Gemiini but hadn't heard of previously. Mentioned it to our ABA analyst who had seen early research and was very optimistic. SL Therapist hadn't heard of and was skeptical! Signed up as thought it was worth a try.
"At the time our first child, Sadhbh, a girl, was four years, she had a two year delay in language. She was moderate on ASD scale. At time of signing up with Gemiini had gotten to 10th centile for overall language score. Receptive language was less than 5th centile. improvements were slow and hard earned. Second child, Seanan, was just two, he had 15 sounds (mmm for milk, a few animal signs...) and almost no receptive language. Couldn't follow a single direction. Was very frustrated. No imitation skills at all. Very poor play skills too.
"Seanan, within a week, was pointing, imitating and saying all the animal sounds. By six months he was saying sentences. Now over a year later he is chatty, speaking in sentences. He's had first language test and he's ahead for age now! With the speech delay sorted he has become a social little boy and is just settling into his new mainstream preschool with ease.
"Sadhbh had small improvements...pronunciation, eye contact, attempts at conversation, watching people's mouth, speaking more to person than to space..... After another two months we noticed more improvements. She started to use some of the scripted conversations. After six months she had big gains. Last years language score she reached 21st centile after six months of Gemiini with receptive language score at 10th centile. She's just had assessment last month and she's 47th centile so very much improved again.
"Additional achievements are a big increase in social behaviour. She is playing with children. Yes she is still behind socially but she is definitely catching up.
"I feel Gemiini has allowed our girl to flourish in mainstream school. At start of primary she barely had enough words to enter the class. A year and half later she is top in her class for reading. Her receptive language is hugely improved. She's following directions. Still expressive language is challenging but much improved.
"I cannot recommend Gemiini highly enough. It has made such a difference to our children and their lives. It is so easy to use and relative to other therapies it is inexpensive. Due to the gains we have seen with Gemiini I now believe both my children will be capable of a successful independent life and that they themselves will determine their own outcome.
"I think Laura Kasbar and her family have given the world an incredible gift. Such foresight to see what a difference she could make to so many people the world over!! I feel the management team at Gemiini make a huge contribution to the success of Gemiini. They are proactive in putting more and more video clips together that allow our children to develop language skills in areas that are relevant to them. Thank you very very much!!"
— Liz L. (parent)