When Should I Give Up Gemiini?

When Should I Give Up Gemiini?

We post a lot of testimonials from parents who see fast results from using Gemiini. Sometimes a child even speaks after the first day. 

That’s great, but some parents see those testimonials and quit because their own children don’t respond as fast. 

All children learn at different rates and we never know how long we need to give them before there’s a breakthrough. 

We received a letter today from a mom who has been using Gemiini diligently for two years; since we first offered the service to the public. She told us that, after a lot of frustration, tears, and wondering if Gemiini was even worth it, her son has had a breakthrough and found his voice. 

Two years.

Oftentimes parents quit after a month or two, long before a child has an opportunity to have his or her own breakthrough.

Parents:  Don't quit!  We know from scientific research that repetition is the key to building (or rebuilding) neurological abilities. Stroke victims often have to repeat actions thousands of times before skills are re-acquired. Speech professionals often work for months with children to improve articulation or to gain vocal-verbal skills.  

Our children need massive amounts of repetition to learn. Whatever methodology or approach is used to improve a child's development, almost every approach relies heavily on the power of repetition--and this is why Gemiini can be like rocket fuel. It allows you to give your child more intensive and repetitive training than has ever been possible (for families with limited budgets and time).

In addition, our sensory-managed filming techniques filters out all possible distractions so that a child can be as focused as possible on the skill they are acquiring.

We know from scientists that our brains are most teachable when we are toddlers; the earlier in life and the more intensively we can teach a child, the better the long-term results will be. Every second we can use in therapy during those years will pay rich dividends. 

We also know how powerful regret can be. Regret will tear you apart as a parent. How will you feel if you knew you could have made a difference in your child’s life, but you quit after a few months, when a breakthrough could have been two years away? 

It could be the difference of a life where others make decisions for your child, or a life of independence. 

We don’t want thousands of parents, years from now, going to bed every night with regret wondering “what might have been” if they had persevered with Gemiini.

Some parents quit because they hope their children will outgrow being non-verbal. 

They won’t. You don’t simply outgrow autism and many autistic people remain non-verbal or even non-communicative their entire lives. 

If you have quit, you can’t start over and make up for lost time. 

There are three reasons why parents quit Gemiini:

1. They say they don’t have time.

2. They say they can’t afford it. 

3. They say their child doesn’t like it.

1. You have the time. Gemiini can be used in the car on the way to therapy. Play it at meal times or while the child is in the bath tub. Even playing it on the TV in the background makes a difference! Laura Kasbar, the founder of Gemiini created this method for that VERY REASON. Her twins were in therapy every waking minute. She needed something that would take advantage of their “down time,” such as eating and car rides. 

2. We won’t let you not afford Gemiini. We have reduced tuition programs and, should you still not be able to afford it, email us and we will make it work for you. 

3. Not every child loves Gemiini. In fact, some hate it. That’s why we have an entire series called “High Interest for Haters.” It’s our job, as parents and as Gemiini staff, to make sure we find the right combination of videos that will work for your child. 

Gemiini works, but you have to stick with it. You have so much to gain.