Weekly Content Update | X-ray Phonemic Alphabet

Weekly Content Update | X-ray Phonemic Alphabet

This Week at Gemiini

In late 2017, our film crew teamed up with the clinicians and medical imaging professionals at Summit Therapy and Pullman Regional Hospital to start work on a new and improved series of X-Ray Phonemic Alphabet clips. This week I'm excited to announce that these clips are now available in the Gemiini clip library!

X-Ray Phonemic Alphabet

Gemiini's X-Ray Phonemic Alphabet clips use fluoroscopy (a medical imaging technique in which a continuous x-ray beam is passed through the body to capture a detailed visual of body parts in motion) to display a moving picture of the inside of the mouth as different sounds are produced. These clips make it possible for Gemiini members to witness the relative position of the teeth, tongue, jaws, and lips during articulation of the smallest units of speech.


With this week's additions, Gemiini's library now includes X-Ray clips for every sound in the English phonemic alphabet, for dipthongs, and for letter blends. Each sound is modeled by a professional speech language pathologist and uses proper oral motor movements, mouth posture, and concise articulation of the target phoneme. X-Ray Phonemic Alphabet clips are located in Spoken Language → Articulation → X-Ray Phonemic Alphabet.

Incorporating these clips into therapy with Gemiini has been shown to improve articulation and increase phonemic awareness in individuals who have been diagnosed with apraxia of speech or who experience other motor planning deficits. For these individuals, the rewards of using Gemiini's intensive expressive language protocol can be great. Schedule a call with one our product specialists for personalized tips on effectively using these clips with your learner.

If you're having technical trouble or need help getting started, check out the articles in our Knowledge Base. If you're looking for clips that don't exist on the site, please send a content request to videos@gemiini.org.