Content Update: November 2021
Here at Gemiini, our Content and Film Production teams are always working diligently to get new content added to our site for our learners! This month was no exception!
Demonstrating Actions Using Adverbs
Our new Demonstrating Actions Using Adverbs project has the adult asking the learner to demonstrate an adverb. These videos are a great way to see if your learner understands and can demonstrate actions in specific ways, such as “bang loudly” or “bang quietly”.

In the Video Builder, (My Videos > Build New Video - Complete Video Access) you can find these clips in Early Communication Skills > Receptive Language Training > Simple Instruction.

Labels Adverbs Using a Phrase
In Labels Adverbs Using a Phrase, the adult models an action, such as “looking happy”, then asks the learner to identify how he is looking. The learner responds and then does the same action with the adult.

Use these videos to help teach your learner adverbs and encourage them to demonstrate the same action in the same way. Being able to recognize and identify adverbs will help your learner communicate and understand others.
You’ll find these videos in Early Communication Skills > Labeling > Parts of Speech.

Matching Uppercase Letters to Uppercase Letters
A great addition to our Alphabet videos is Matching Uppercase to Uppercase Letters.
These animated videos give learners the opportunity to test their knowledge of letters by modeling matching an uppercase letter to its match.
You can find these new videos, in addition to several existing alphabet projects, in Reading, Writing, & Academic > First School Years > Alphabet.

Select a Word from an Array of Three
Our new Select a Word from an Array of Three project will help you teach your learner to select the correct word when asked. Your learner isn’t required to speak to show you this skill, so it’s a great way for you to see just how much they know in reference to recognizing words.

These great videos can be found in Early Communication Skills > Receptive Language Training > Discriminate & Select.

For tips on personalizing this content for your learner, please schedule a free call with one of our Gemiini Coaches. If you're having technical trouble or need help getting started, check out the articles in our Knowledge Base. If you're looking for clips that don't exist on the site, please send a content request to