ALL-NEW Animated Reading Books

ALL-NEW Animated Reading Books

Exciting news for exceptional learners: We’ve updated our beginning reading programs to include full animated videos that teach decoding and phonetic instruction – 24 in total.

Each story is presented as an animated page-turning book with music and effects. A companion video stops the action along the way to teach phonetics for the words encountered in the story. A profile view shows the jaw’s structure to reinforce proper articulation. Each story focuses on specific phonetic sounds.

A downloadable PDF offers a full-color printable version, plus a text-only version. Use the text-only PDF to determine your child’s starting place in the series. When you reach a book in the sequence where your child makes reading mistakes, start with this book.  

To get started, assign both versions of the book (animation-only and with phonetics). Aim for 20 repetitions of the book (including once or twice per day of the animation-only version). Afterward, ask questions for comprehension: “What does Tim have?” “What does Sam have?”

If your child has dyslexia, use the animated books in conjunction with eye-tracking exercises.

For children learning to read or for those with a reading disability, this tool serves both types of students. For students with no reading ability, book one, “A Cat Sat,” gets students started with four easy words: Cat, Fat, Sat, Fast. “If your child has difficulty with clarity of speech and they need to learn to read, this is the program for you,” said Jennifer, a Gemiini Coach. “It’s like a two-for-one deal. You work with reading and articulation with a single video.”