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Comparing the Teaching Efficacy of Two Video Modeling Programs Delivered in a Group Format in Special Education Classrooms to Improve Expressive Language


The current study evaluated the effectiveness of two video modeling programs, one using discrete video modeling and another using standard video modeling to teach expressive vocabulary words to individuals with autism and other disorders. The researchers collected data across four classrooms in a school district in Inglewood, California in a double-blind study across three weeks. During week one, baseline data were collected across two sets of targets presented in each video modeling program. During week two, the instructors showed the standard video modeling program to half of the classrooms while instructors for the other half of the classes showed the discrete video modeling program. During week three, the instructors switched the video modeling programs with the two groups to compare the language acquisition outcomes. The researchers collected data on all targets at the end of each week’s viewings. Comparing the two programs using chi-square tests of independence, the research showed a significant increase in expressive words with the discrete video modeling program.

Given the real-world constraints of the time and budgetary pressures facing teachers and administrators, effective, evidence-based interventions that are easy to use Comparison of Video Modeling and systemically sustainable are the most likely to be widely adopted (Strain, Schwartz & Barton, 2011). Furthermore, clinicians may model skills through the use of video as opposed to modeling skills live because videotaped models are not as labor-intensive as an instructional tool (Biederman, Stepaniuk, Davey, Raven & Ahn, 1999).

The research shows that exposure to DVM, as compared to SVM, resulted in more rapid language acquisition. Students’ increase in expressive words associated with DVM exhibited statistically significant increases in language skills as compared to SVM. Other skills such as increased compliance to testing were also noted in behavior observations associated with DVM exposure.

The results of this study are promising because they imply that minimally invasive, low cost interventions can significantly improve language of children with autism and other disabilities in special education classrooms.

Dr. Maria Wynne-Gilmour of Portland State University performed a double-blind study of 31 students with special needs in a Los Angeles county public school to determine if GemIIni’s Discrete Video Modeling improved outcomes in language acquisition when compared to standard video modeling. Groups received both standard video modeling and discrete video modeling on alternating weeks. GemIIni’s videos produced language gains in each group that were more than triple the language gains by that same group when exposed to standard video modeling sessions. Results were deemed to be highly statistically significant.

