More Scientific Evidence That Gemiini Really Works

More Scientific Evidence That Gemiini Really Works

We’re often asked if the Gemiini system has been the subject of scientific research studies.

The answer is a resounding yes. Over and over again, universities have tested the efficacy of Gemiini.

From the University of California, San Diego, to the Autism Society of Washington, Gemiini has support from organizations all over the world.

The findings of all research studies are consistent:

The Gemiini system works.

A new study done by a researcher at Portland State University is another important one to share.

The study, which compared Gemiini’s Discrete Video Modeling System (DVM) to a Standard Video Modeling System (SVM), was published by the prestigious Journal of Special Education Technology.

The results showed that Gemiini teaches language at rates nearly triple those of other video-based instruction.

You can read the entire study here, which gives full details about the methodologies, participants, and setting, but below are some of the highlights and results:

"The results of this study are promising because they imply that
 minimally invasive, low-cost interventions can significantly 
improve expressive word gains of children with autism and 
other disabilities in special education classrooms."

“Comparing the two programs, students emitted significantly more expressive novel words after exposure to the DVM program when compared to the number of expressive novel words students emitted after exposure to the SVM program.”

“As a group, the students with an autism diagnosis mastered over 200 percent more target words after exposure to DVM than they did after exposure to SVM.”

Perhaps most importantly, Gemiini has proven itself in the lives of families around the world. Every day we hear from parents who have finally heard their children speak. All the studies in the world proving Gemiini’s effectiveness are nothing compared to the reward of helping a mother hear the words ‘I love you’ for the first time.

Gemiini works, but it’s important to know that it works best when a devoted parent spends time on the program with his or her child.

Despite what some parents say online, Gemiini isn’t magic. It requires an investment of time, but the payoff is immeasurable.