How To Succeed With Gemiini

How To Succeed With Gemiini

When we started the Discrete Video Modeling system at Gemiini, we didn’t intend to create a magical fix for speech and language delays.

What we did set out to do is help children effectively communicate. We did that by creating a new system of modeling speech, testing it rigorously, and refining what we learned over time.

Today, Gemiini’s DVM system is used all over the world. Many thousands of children, and their families, have benefited from the gift of speech.

Some children go from non-verbal to saying words in the first 15 minutes of using Gemiini. Others take many months before they speak.

The key, and the point of this post, is to not give up. The role of parents in the Gemiini system can’t be overstated. When kids have a devoted and committed family to help them with Gemiini, the odds of success are exponentially greater.

Parents who interact with their children and experience Gemiini with their children are far more likely to experience life-changing results.

Some parents think that Gemiini just looks too simple to be effective, but the proof is in the results: it works.
There are students who improve immediately, but some take more time to show gains. Of the people who cancel the program, 80 percent have used it for less than 10 hours.

On the other hand, people who use it consistently for over six months see a 95 percent success rate.

Some students just need us to give them more time.

Gemiini works on all ages. We’ve seen it work on non-verbal 3-year-old kids, 28-year-old adults, and everywhere in between. Typically developing kids have benefited from Gemiini as well as kids on the spectrum and kids with other special needs.

Even with the amazingly fast results we’ve seen, parents need to know that Gemiini isn’t a magic fix. It’s a tool for their arsenal that is clinically proven to help, should it be used correctly and used often.

A recent testimonial from a proud mom said,

“It took about 6 months for words to start and I can't express how fantastic it is to hear Alex call me Mummy now. He gets it right every time now. We have lots of other speech like words and he recognizes shapes, colors, some letters and the numbers 1-10 as well now. Was sitting at the traffic light today and when they changed to green he shouted out `geen es go` (green means go). Not perfect I know, but I'm taking that as a sentence and we all did a happy dance!”

Of course there are also stories from parents who tell us they saw results after just 15 minutes. Most children do respond fairly quickly, but if yours is taking more time, please don’t give up. Your child needs you.

If you get frustrated or feel like you need help, contact us and we will help you through it.