Autism Awareness Month: Gemiini's Role in Treatment

Autism Awareness Month: Gemiini's Role in Treatment

We're halfway through Autism Awareness Month and we've talked about some signs of autism and common treatments available.

Like many of you, we don't believe Autism Awareness should be limited to a single month out of the year, but we do think it's important to take the opportunity to inspire people to educate themselves about what ASD is and how it can be treated.

Gemiini is just one of what seems like a million different ASD treatment options. Gemiini has a proven record of helping children (and adults) learn to speak and communicate, but it's also been effective in helping kids learn to read and in addressing behavior problems.

Like many of the scientifically-proven ASD treatments, Gemiini works well when used in conjunction with other treatments or as part of a treatment plan from a professional speech or behavior therapist. Gemiini is different though because it can be implemented by parents and used at home.

So what exactly is Gemiini? To put it simply, it's a system of online-based videos that are watched by children with speech/language delays. Called Discrete Video Modeling, the system continues to help families around the world communicate with their formerly non-verbal family members. It's been successful when used by children with ASD, Down Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Apraxia, and many others.

One of the greatest advantages of Gemiini is that it can be used by parents at the first signs of a problem. Signs of ASD, for example, often begin to manifest by age 2, but an official diagnosis (and thus, treatment) often doesn't happen until age 5 or later. Gemiini can be used to begin early intervention right away and give the child a multi-year head start on therapy.

Unfortunately, many speech therapy programs have long waiting lists and newly diagnosed kids have to wait before beginning services. Gemiini can bridge that gap and provide instant therapy while waiting. The program has even been known to bring delayed kids up to the level of normally developing children.

Gemiini is also used in conjunction with professional speech therapy services. An SLP may recommend the program for families to use at home between their weekly appointments.

Gemiini offers a way for parents to take control of their children's therapy and be involved at the first signs of a delay. It takes work, but the parents who devote time to Gemiini with their kids are the ones who often see the best results.

Please contact us with any questions, or sign up today for a 7-day free trial.