Autism Awareness Month: What Is Autism?

Autism Awareness Month: What Is Autism?

Do a quick Google search for "What is Autism" and you'll be bombarded with articles, blogs, definitions, and treatment options.

April is Autism Awareness Month and that search phrase is likely to get entered into internet browsers around the world by parents, grandparents, foster families, and anyone else who has even the slightest suspicion that a child in his or her life might have autism.

One of the most simple definitions of Autism is:

"A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts."

That's a good start, but as any parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will say, autism goes so much deeper.

The United States Center for Disease Control says about 1 in 68 children has been identified as having ASD, making it one of the most prevalent disorders affecting children today.

Is it a problem that needs fixing?

That, of course, depends on the child. Kids (and adults) on the spectrum range from high functioning and independent to needing life-long care. Some parents might accept a child's diagnosis as a blessing while others pledge to fight until a cure is found. Oftentimes parents don't view the diagnosis as a problem to fix, but rather as an opportunity to adapt and learn a new way of seeing the world.

Children with ASD are often more inclined to excel in the arts, they can be highly creative, or they can be gifted in math and science.

One thing is clear: To help children with ASD reach their full potential, nearly all benefit from early intervention and Gemiini's speech/language therapy.

We'll talk about autism treatments later in the month, but if you suspect a child in your life might show early signs of autism, starting intervention now can only help in the long run. Check out the 5 Early Signs of Autism, and please contact us with any questions.